Monday, 25 June 2012

kamoru sakiru: Knocks, kudos for Jonathan
By  kamoru sakiru
Media Chat: Knocks, kudos for Jonathan

Varied reactions have greeted the Presidential Media Chat by President Goodluck Jonathan on Sunday night.
While some of The Nation’s Twitter followers gave the President a pass mark on his responses to the questions he fielded, others were not impressed.
Some of the reactions to The Nation’s tweet requesting for a rating of the two-hour interview session are as follows: 
All well and good, I don't envy Mr. President it is not easy leading a nation like Nigeria, let him be focused we are with him @OlaniranO
If President Jonathan's media chat tonight was to persuade Nigerians that he actually knows what he's doing. Then he'd failed @Samuel Ogundipe
Wastage of 2 precious man hour. Clueless, Arrangee fone calls, worthless chart. Alimi Adeola
Excellent outing for GEJ, confidence increasing. Gradually transforming himself and Nigeria for the better. @Somkwe
He has responded excellently. He has been most honest. ANIEMEKE HYACINTH P. ‏
I saw a sincere man. Answers may not be what people want to hear though He is quite unlike OBJ in his responses  Yinka Adedire
Below average ...he answered questions a normal Nigerian would do ..not too intelligently I must say. Lekan Jimoh
Waste of time and Energy! He doesn't even remember Maupe Ogun's name after two hours of empty promises and false declaration.  Lola Sei-Shotayo
Below 40. D ques is nt well answered. Phone lines were designed nt 2 work. Why not ordered special lines fr all GSM netwrk? Dahunsi Felix
Very unarticulated and disappointing. AA Sadeeq
Still ok for now. Let's allow GEJ to work. A little time will tell folks. Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria! Gbulie Johnbosco
Ahhh, my 13 year old brother wud'v done better. No jokes!!! .  Olu ‘dammie
Poor , he only told us our problems & no accomplishment.  Baffa
Very porous and a mockery of street intelligence ... I'm disappointed in this comedy of an un-presidential chat  ‪Abu Hannfah
Un-intelligent, confusing and less than an LGA chairman performance. Too soft for Nigeria. Sad. Temmy Orotunde
The President was very careful in his USE of WORDS. l would say DIPLOMATIC.  Charles Enujeke
Very poor, going out of context just to hide from d questions. E.g question about AYO SALAMI. 
kamoru sakiru

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