kamoru sakiru: Knocks, kudos for Jonathan
By kamoru sakiru
Varied reactions have greeted the Presidential Media Chat by President Goodluck Jonathan on Sunday night.
While some of The Nation’s Twitter followers gave the President a pass mark on his responses to the questions he fielded, others were not impressed.
Some of the reactions to The Nation’s tweet requesting for a rating of the two-hour interview session are as follows:
All well and good, I don't envy Mr. President it is not easy leading a nation like Nigeria, let him be focused we are with him @OlaniranO
If President Jonathan's media chat tonight was to persuade Nigerians that he actually knows what he's doing. Then he'd failed @Samuel Ogundipe
Wastage of 2 precious man hour. Clueless, Arrangee fone calls, worthless chart. Alimi Adeola
Excellent outing for GEJ, confidence increasing. Gradually transforming himself and Nigeria for the better. @Somkwe
He has responded excellently. He has been most honest. ANIEMEKE HYACINTH P.
I saw a sincere man. Answers may not be what people want to hear though He is quite unlike OBJ in his responses Yinka Adedire
Below average ...he answered questions a normal Nigerian would do ..not too intelligently I must say. Lekan Jimoh
Waste of time and Energy! He doesn't even remember Maupe Ogun's name after two hours of empty promises and false declaration. Lola Sei-Shotayo
Below 40. D ques is nt well answered. Phone lines were designed nt 2 work. Why not ordered special lines fr all GSM netwrk? Dahunsi Felix
Very unarticulated and disappointing. AA Sadeeq
Still ok for now. Let's allow GEJ to work. A little time will tell folks. Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria! Gbulie Johnbosco
Ahhh, my 13 year old brother wud'v done better. No jokes!!! . Olu ‘dammie
Poor , he only told us our problems & no accomplishment. Baffa
Very porous and a mockery of street intelligence ... I'm disappointed in this comedy of an un-presidential chat Abu Hannfah
Un-intelligent, confusing and less than an LGA chairman performance. Too soft for Nigeria. Sad. Temmy Orotunde
The President was very careful in his USE of WORDS. l would say DIPLOMATIC. Charles Enujeke
Very poor, going out of context just to hide from d questions. E.g question about AYO SALAMI.
kamoru sakiru
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